Pyr Sheps
Our Pyr Sheps
Pyr Shep Breed Info
Pyr Shep Breed History
Pyr Shep Puppy

What Should I Have For My New Puppy?

Sample Contract & Guarantee for Pet Puppy

Contact us for more information:
You may also call us at 440-286-7431 9am-7pm Eastern Time.
We live 1/2 hour East of Cleveland in Chardon, OH USA
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© 2009 La Brise
One of the most frequently asked questions we encounter is:

"I don't live in Ohio; what are the options for bringing my new puppy home?"

Some options are:

1) Picking puppy up in person. If you can drive to Chardon, this may be the most
joyful option.

2) Driving to meet us at a show we'll be at.

3) Driving to meet one of our friends who may be traveling to an event near your
region. (It would be nice to give them some gas money.)

4) Shipping the puppy as cargo on a commercial airline. We have done this dozens
of times with excellent results. We most often use Continental since Cleveland is a
hub and they have special VIPet mini-vans that pick pups up directly from the plane
so that they aren't handled like baggage. Generally this costs around $200-250.

5) Fly to pick up your pup. The Cleveland & Akron airports are about an hour from
our place. You can rent a car or you can fly in and out on the same day & we can
meet you at the airport. There's a lovely park nearby where we can walk the pup &
you can meet some older dogs (eg his/her parents) while waiting for your departing

6) Retain a special transport service. We can't vouch for any of them but some folks
have used them successfully. One that works out of Ohio is
Pawpaw Delivery, who
will drive your pup anywhere in the US with prices starting around $200. There are
also many services that will fly your pup or pick him/her up from the airport and
bring him/her to your house. One of the latter in the Pacific Northwest is Lee
Atwood of
Atwood's Pet Resort, whom Pyr Shep owners have used successfully.

7) You may have a friend who is traveling to Ohio and willing to pick up the pup. In
general we don't recommend this unless they are very experienced dog people who
are very knowledgeable about puppies.