Pet & Performance puppies
are generally sold on spay/neuter
contract with written guarantee against
genetic defects or temperament
What Should I Have For My New Puppy?

Sample Contract & Guarantee for Pet Puppy

Contact us for more information: labrise@msn.com
You may also call us at 440-286-7431 9am-7pm Eastern Time.
We live 1/2 hour East of Cleveland in Chardon, OH USA
© 2008-2010 La Brise
Show/Breeding prospects
are sold (sometimes on co-ownership
contract) with written guarantee against
genetic defects or temperament
problems or issues that would prevent
them from being useful breeding or
show stock
The above-mentioned prices and conditions are general information only and do not constitute any assurance
of any kind that any puppy will ever be available to any party at any time.